
Testimony of Véronique Gaudet, cheffe de projet. 

On May 25th and 26th, I had the opportunity to attend the training entitled “Welcome to training: Scrum Master” led by Mira Ramluckun and offered by Digicomp.

First of all, let’s talk about the format: with the health context, we had the choice to participate in face-to-face or remote. We were 2 remote learners and 1 face-to-face learner, offering the opportunity to test the agility of the trainer in hybrid mode with an adequate technological installation: a sound system in the room, a physical whiteboard connected to the screen and the sending of the training guide by mail beforehand to allow us to note down the elements directly on the paper.

Then, if we focus on the pedagogical course of the training, we started with a round table discussion which allowed the trainer to understand our expectations, the professional contexts in which we evolve, in order to evaluate our levels of mastery of agility. Then, the trainer gave us some definitions: this is how I realized that Scrum = scrum in rugby. We then contextualized why agility is gaining ground in companies, what are the advantages of agility compared to more traditional project management methods, especially to solve communication problems. The rest of the program consisted in unfolding the basics of Scrum: the framework, processes, Lean Thinking, actors, roles, events, methods. We finished with a session of open questions, role plays and online quizzes.

One of the strong points of this training was the role-playing: to experience and make sure that we projected ourselves in our professional situations to reach our objectives.

For my part, I appreciated the fact that the training was conducted in French and that the slides and quizzes were in English. The objective being to pass the certification, it was good to have the elements in English right away and to be able to test ourselves. I also liked that the trainer gave us the differences between the old agile rules and the new ones as well as the related documentation.

However, I quickly realized at the end of the 2 days that this would not be enough to pass the certification. As I had to get 85% of correct answers on a test in English of 80 questions in 1 hour, after the training, I took time to read the whole agile guide in English and to practice the quizzes. As they say: “you just have to do it”


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