
For 17 years, Qim info has been offering customised services, helping their clients carry out their IT projects. Through our years of expertise, we have developed a solid understanding of the market’s needs. And the market gave our team a great idea: The Product Lab, a product laboratory Made in Qim info. 

In concrete terms, what is the Product Lab?

This Made-in-Qim product laboratory is a small Research and Development hub designed and led by a team of collaborators dedicated to finding innovative solutions to customer needs. Encouraged by our Management Committee, this diversification is also an opportunity to mobilise in-house talent wishing to develop their skills in certain areas.

The power of collective intelligence.

Several of our employees initiated this project after developing technical solutions for our customers who wanted to accelerate Qim info’s innovation dynamic by pooling their knowledge. The objective is to create products capable of solving the problems our customers often run into. 

Because the success of a project depends largely on the intellectual wealth and diversity of the team working on it, we created the Product Lab open to all profiles, both technical and administrative: Everyone is an asset!

A new project that is beneficial for our in-house teams and customers. 

The Product Lab offers the opportunity to all our in-house collaborators, on mission or on inter-contract, to come together around the same company project. They feel like part of a team and can see the impact they can have within Qim info. It is also an opportunity to see what’s going on in the market and learn other technologies to broaden our skill sets. 

For Qim info, already an expert in IT project delegation and support in the Swiss and French markets, this new adventure will reinforce our solutions as a product editor. 

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