Optimizing the IT infrastructure of the Foyer-Handicap foundation in Geneva: a look back at a successful collaboration with Qim info

Thanks to a strategic modernization of its IT infrastructure in partnership with Qim info, the Foyer-Handicap foundation has made considerable savings, strengthened its system security and improved its operational efficiency. In short, it has saved time and money.
Qim info and Decathlon join forces to optimise e-commerce and IT security

It’s a well-known fact that the digital transition and cybersecurity are key factors in business competitiveness. This is why the strategic collaboration between IT consultancy Qim info and Decathlon is extremely important: it emphasises the way in which high levels of technological expertise can stimulate growth, innovation and ensure the security of IT systems used in e-commerce.
Microsoft 365 : Qim info establishes governance for SIACG
Microsoft 365 governance: Qim info commits to a collaborative project with SIACG During the COVID crisis, the Intercommunal Computer Service of the Association of Geneva Communes (SIACG) urgently implemented certain Microsoft 365 functionalities for users across 44 member communes. To develop a governance strategy for its applications and introduce new services, SIACG turned to Qim info. […]
Qim info revolutionizes back-to-school at Institut Florimont
The criteria for a successful back-to-school experience are many and complex. Institut Florimont, a private school near Geneva, called on the services of Qim info to improve the integration of its new students and the transition to the next class for those already there.
Qim info develops a turnkey solution for IPR
Keen to guarantee ever greater security in the processing of reports sent to its prescribers, in 2015 the Institut de Pathologie Romand decided to call on Qim info to create a dedicated IT solution. A successful gamble, as the laboratory is considering new collaborations with the Custom Software Development department. Confidentiality and Security: Project challenges […]
Why is SIG trusting Qim info?
goodGaz: the application that makes connecting to SIG gas easy In 2018, as part of a call for tenders, the Geneva public company SIG (Services Industriels Genevois) chose Qim info to develop goodGaz. This internal application tracks gas connection operations in the canton. Benoit Mermillod-Anselme, IT Project Manager at SIG, doesn’t regret that choice. Modernising […]
Le Kab: Securitisation of the computer and network system
A few weeks ago, the accounting firm Le Kab contacted our IT Operations & Support Services team. This 30-person French accounting firm bordering Geneva was facing recurrent Internet connection outages, and no solution had yet been found. To each their own: Le Kab provides business accounting management to their clients and has chosen to delegate […]
IMAD: A project to help us help
A few months ago, the Geneva Institution for Homecare and Assistance (IMAD) asked us to help them solve one of their time optimisation problems. Each year, temporary workers are brought in to reinforce their teams to ensure the quality and delivery of home care services. IMAD wanted to implement a solution to simplify the management […]