It isn’t uncommon for a consultant in a service company to be confronted at least once during his professional experience with an inter-contract period. At Qim info, we make sure that this moment is taken advantage of, so that each party, consultant and company, start together the writing of a new chapter.  We have the ability to make this possible thanks to the multiple modes of intervention we offer to our clients.  

Since 2019, Judicaël SAINTUS ensures the accompaniment and the follow-up of our collaborators in inter-contract. In January 2022, Pant HO joined him to form a pair dedicated to this mission. The objective is simple: to reassure and propose missions or trainings matching with the skills and the professional project of these consultants. 

Debriefing of this subject with Judicaël and Pant.

Judicaël, why do you think it’s important to provide customized support to consultants in between contracts?

J: These periods are sometimes difficult to live with, the uncertainty associated with the end of a mission can be a source of stress for consultants. At Qim info, we try to provide quick answers and transparent support to give a clear perspective within the company, either through training or by keeping the employee informed of new missions that could interest them.

What is your role at Qim info?

Pant : I work with Judicaël to make the link with our internal technical teams. Indeed, with the various departments of our center of expertise, we have to develop custom projects for some of our customers, so we need specific skills. My job is to evaluate the need internally and to propose projects to the inter-contract consultants whose experience and skills match. 

J : On my side, I work in connection with the business managers to be informed of the missions coming and to find the one which will correspond to a consultant in inter-contract. We meet regularly with Pant to exchange and communicate on the various opportunities for our colleagues.

What is the first thing you say to a consultant who starts an inter-contract period?

J : That we are counting on him and that it is not finished! What is most important to us is to avoid departures and to reduce as much as possible the inter-contract period which can sometimes last several months. We have put in place a whole range of solutions (training, certification, internal projects, etc.) to make the most of this time: a golden opportunity, which we rarely have in our professional lives, to build up our CVs, for example!

Pant, you’ve been in this situation. How did you live it?

P : Yes, I had a 7-month inter-contract period at Qim info. I lived it in a very serene way thanks to the transparency of my manager and the regular meetings set up to keep me informed about new missions. In the meantime, I used this time to develop my skills through trainings and certifications and, I was able to form this team with Judicaël to reassure other consultants about their future at Qim info.

If I had to pass on a single message to consultants who are worried about their future in inter-contract, I would tell them that we are here, with their manager, to support them and to make the most of this period in their professional career.

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