
Full Stack developer Arthur Bosshardt arrived in Haute-Savoie in December 2022 and has received regular support since joining the company. Training, project tracking, client meetings, and more guarantee the success of his first steps at Qim info.

You left your native region at 24 to join the Haute-Savoie and Qim info. How did you experience this change?

I have always lived in Nantes, yet I do not regret my choice. After my two-year university degree, I joined an IT degree in Distributed Applications. I could have gone straight to work, but I wanted to continue to improve my skills by preparing a work-study Master’s degree at EPSI. As part of this work-study program, I had the chance to work for Capgemini, where I stayed for a few months after my studies.  Last year, my partner wanted to change regions and was recruited at the Annecy Hospital. It was an opportunity for me to follow her. And that decision changed my life!

Did you encounter any difficulties during this transition?

Everything was done gradually. First, I finished my previous contract remotely in Annecy. Then I actively started looking for a new job, and the opportunity to work for Qim info quickly presented itself. My recruitment process was short thanks to the responsiveness of the teams: one day I was applying, and the next day I was called back. Given my profile, there is plenty of offers.

So why did you choose Qim info?

The support offered by this company really weighed in the balance. I know this sector well; believe me, this quality does not exist everywhere. Let me give you a concrete example: Qim info helped me move to the region. A consideration that adds to the human spirit that reigns in this company.

Like everyone working in a digital services company, you've experienced downtime between missions. What is that like at Qim info?

In some companies, these inter-missions periods can be difficult to experience; that’s not true at Qim info. Even though how each collaborator experiences this time varies from one person to the next, Qim info is always available. Indeed, we can get training and perform technological intelligence with the tools they make available. In addition, the management teams contact us weekly to check on us. They also listen carefully to our different needs.

To read the article >> Enhance inter-missions, an essential human issue. 

Is training an essential pillar in your field?

It is essential and even necessary. Working in development means you need to keep up-to-date with and understand the latest technological advances.  That’s why it’s essential to use downtime to learn about these new technologies. We are fortunate at Qim info because they don’t hesitate to invest in training software licenses.

What is a full stack developer?

In the digital sector, full stack developers work on all aspects of design, whether that may be a website, application, or other. The designer can handle anything from software architecture to program design and maintenance. A full stack developer can work both in the front end, the visible part of the user interface, or in the back end, the technical aspect of the interface. This is why complete stack profiles are currently highly sought after by companies and start-ups.

What is Qim info's recruitment strategy based on?

Unlike many digital services companies, Qim info invests heavily in supporting our consultants. It is part of who we are, and we are proud of it. We don’t recruit random candidates, so when we find the perfect one, we do whatever it takes to keep them.

What concrete examples can you cite?

Moving to the Annecy or Geneva region can be complicated. This is why we have decided to facilitate these steps by providing human and financial support to consultants who wish to join us. Once settled in, they aren’t left to their own devices while waiting for their first assignment. They meet customers to understand their needs, we bring them to our premises to make sure the onboarding process is smooth, and we invite them to every employee event. Management teams, who make up an incredible 15% of Qim info’s workforce, make sure to get regular updates.

What do you provide specifically for consultants on inter-missions?

We know that these periods can be stressful for employees. This is why we need to support them. Weekly meetings with the teams and their Resource Manager are organized in-house. This makes it possible to identify opportunities for inter-contract consultants quickly. We must not lose touch. On a case-by-case basis, we also take advantage of this time to train and certify consultants who need it to integrate potential client projects. Finally, we call upon our employees to collaborate within our Centre of Expertise. They develop internal applications to improve our employees’ working conditions.

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