Sergio, a Microsoft SharePoint expert serving Qim info’s clients

From electronics to digital innovation, dive into the inspiring professional journey of Sergio Ralandy, a Microsoft 365 SharePoint consultant at Qim info.
Microsoft 365 : Qim info establishes governance for SIACG

Microsoft 365 governance: Qim info commits to a collaborative project with SIACG During the COVID crisis, the Intercommunal Computer Service of the Association of Geneva Communes (SIACG) urgently implemented certain Microsoft 365 functionalities for users across 44 member communes. To develop a governance strategy for its applications and introduce new services, SIACG turned to Qim info. […]
Qim info revolutionizes back-to-school at Institut Florimont
The criteria for a successful back-to-school experience are many and complex. Institut Florimont, a private school near Geneva, called on the services of Qim info to improve the integration of its new students and the transition to the next class for those already there.
Qim info develops a turnkey solution for IPR
Keen to guarantee ever greater security in the processing of reports sent to its prescribers, in 2015 the Institut de Pathologie Romand decided to call on Qim info to create a dedicated IT solution. A successful gamble, as the laboratory is considering new collaborations with the Custom Software Development department. Confidentiality and Security: Project challenges […]
Why is SIG trusting Qim info?
goodGaz: the application that makes connecting to SIG gas easy In 2018, as part of a call for tenders, the Geneva public company SIG (Services Industriels Genevois) chose Qim info to develop goodGaz. This internal application tracks gas connection operations in the canton. Benoit Mermillod-Anselme, IT Project Manager at SIG, doesn’t regret that choice. Modernising […]
Girls in IT : back to the Girls Coding Club mentoring
Once again this year, Qim info renews its commitment to EPFL by participating in the Coding Club For Girls mentoring workshops for young girls between 11 and 16 years old. One of the objectives of this approach is to break down preconceived notions about IT and digital professions (to learn more, you can read our […]
When mathematics is applied to IT: meeting with Lise
At the age of 19, Lise made her choice: she spent her summer as an intern in our administrative team at Qim Info. Currently in a MIASHS degree program (Mathematics and Computer Science Applied to Human and Social Sciences) at the University of Lyon II, these 2 months allowed her to get a first-hand look […]
Julie, Director of the Lausanne agency
Julie, tell us about the beginning of your career in IT? With a degree in Software Engineering and a Master 2 in Combinatorial Optimization and Artificial Intelligence, I started my career 16 years ago as a developer. I quickly realized that I had a strong attraction for the organizational and relational part. Young and daring […]
Scrum Master Training
Testimony of Véronique Gaudet, cheffe de projet. On May 25th and 26th, I had the opportunity to attend the training entitled “Welcome to training: Scrum Master” led by Mira Ramluckun and offered by Digicomp. First of all, let’s talk about the format: with the health context, we had the choice to participate in face-to-face or […]
Career’s path at Qim info : Pascale retrospective.
Tell us about your start at Qim info! I was recruited by Qim info in 2016 for a mission as Hub Realization Manager in a large private bank in Geneva. On my first days on the job, I met Qim’s employees and managers during regular events organized within the company (Qim info weekends, bi-annual parties, […]
Cross-over discussion with Veronique, Cyril and Sara talk about Qim info.
Veronique, Cyril and Sara are three Qim info consultants, working in delegation or on the agency side, and regularly collaborate together on various projects concerning the tpg (Geneva Public Transport). Q: Can you introduce yourself in a few words? Sara: I have always lived in the Geneva region and I joined Qim info as a […]
Kim’s testimony : her journey at Qim info
After a 3 years’s experience in project management in industrial security, I joined Qim info in November 2016 with the chance to know 3 jobs: Business Manager (1 month), Recruitment Manager (3 years), Business Analyst Consultant (1 and a half years). You will tell me: “but how is this possible? A scared recruiter would say […]